Kind of a cross between tic-tac-toe and checkers made for the Spring Lisp Jam 2024.
You can find the rules and options after you start the game by clicking on the menu. 

The AI doesn't work very well, but it can help you understand the game before you play hotseat with your friend. 


Mouse or Touch


In each round, players must adhere to these rules:

  1. Move a Friendly Stone: The player must relocate a piece that was chosen by their opponent. If such a piece cannot be moved, it is taken off the board, allowing the player to proceed to step 2.
  1. Optional Move: The player has the choice to move another one of their pieces. This action is not mandatory but can be performed up to two times during the turn.
  1. Select Enemy Piece: The player designates an opponent's piece to be moved by them in the next turn.

Before beginning, the second player picks an opponent's piece to initiate the first move. Pieces can only move to adjacent, unoccupied squares along the same row or column. Moving a piece into square b3 is prohibited.

Victory Conditions:

  • The green player wins by moving a piece to square b4.
  • Conversely, the black player achieves victory by moving a piece to square b2.
  • A player who runs out of pieces loses automatically.

Source Code:
ClojureDart and Flutter…


Download 7.1 MB

Install instructions

  • You can host Index.html on a local server and play the game. 
  • You can install Flutter and ClojureDart and compile it yourself to any platform as well. 
  • There is a readme in /code/ to know where to start.

Development log

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